Sunday, 7 October 2012

A little bit of Jo'burg.

These holidays I didn't even get around to doing anything on my "Bucket List" shock, horror, disgrace..I know. Oh wells, it was a short holiday anyway and there's always December. So what exactly did my 9 day break entail? Well nothing too exciting although I do have an enthralling tale of how I bought my leather jacket last Wednesday which I will save for another blog post. We arrived back in rainy Durban today after being up in Jo'burg for four days. Jo'burg was fun, the weather was trĂ©s beau which meant I had a chance to wear my summer dresses!! I love summer - the sun, the sandals, the sundresses.. just lovely. Our Jo'burg trip consisted of Sandton City, Monte Casino, visiting family and entertaining my three and six year old cousins. I watched a lot of Baby Looney tunes and Dora the Explorer (I even caught myself singing the Dora theme song...doo doo Dora!)  Sandton City, as always, was fab. I have a new found-love in the store Cotton On but sadly there is no store in Durban and I didn't even buy anything this time round! I also took to Instagram, still getting the hang of it though - you can follow me @sohinii.

Back to school tomorrow, this term shall be hectic so I'm not too sure how frequent I shall be with blogging but I'm sure procrastination shall kick in soon enough so the blog shan't suffer - the quote du jours will at least be posted. As always, stay stylish! 

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