Today is both Halloween and hump day! What are the odds? Okay let's not get started on probability, I'm up to my ears in it during maths. Anyway, back to this momentous day; Halloween is not a celebrated event here in South Africa as much as it is in other countries such as the US, UK etc. You do get the odd trick-or-treaters around 5pm-ish ringing the bell every year but these consist mainly of five to eleven year olds (as it should be?) However, this year we didn't get any trick or treaters; it must have been the miserable weather which deterred them. Which was lucky in a way because we didn't have any sweets to give and I wasn't in the mood to go down to give these kiddies sweets (I know I sound horrible, I'm a nice person though, really).
Similarly, what I've always wanted to do, especially on Halloween, is to dress up. You don't get very many Halloween parties here, I don't think. So to add to my wish list, I want to attend a halloween party and dress up! Not like scary dressing up though, classy dressing up. As seen in the recent Pretty Little Liars episode; I loved what all four of them were wearing especially Aria and Hanna.
Hopefully your Halloween was more eventful and that you had a chance to dress up and what not. Enjoy the rest of the week and as always, stay stylish!
Images via 1 & 2