Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Halloween & Hump Day.

Today is both Halloween and hump day! What are the odds? Okay let's not get started on probability, I'm up to my ears in it during maths. Anyway, back to this momentous day; Halloween is not a celebrated event here in South Africa as much as it is in other countries such as the US, UK etc. You do get the odd trick-or-treaters around 5pm-ish ringing the bell every year but these consist mainly of five to eleven year olds (as it should be?) However, this year we didn't get any trick or treaters; it must have been the miserable weather which deterred them. Which was lucky in a way because we didn't have any sweets to give and I wasn't in the mood to go down to give these kiddies sweets (I know I sound horrible, I'm a nice person though, really).

Similarly, what I've always wanted to do, especially on Halloween, is to dress up. You don't get very many Halloween parties here, I don't think. So to add to my wish list, I want to attend a halloween party and dress up! Not like scary dressing up though, classy dressing up. As seen in the recent Pretty Little Liars episode; I loved what all four of them were wearing especially Aria and Hanna.

Hopefully your Halloween was more eventful and that you had a chance to dress up and what not. Enjoy the rest of the week and as always, stay stylish!

Images via 1 & 2

Monday, 29 October 2012

Quote du Jour.

"Let your smile change the world, don't let the world change your smile."

Friday, 26 October 2012

Hello Weekend.

That two-day fun fest we call the weekend is back in our midst and if it feels like you were balancing a lot on your shoulders this week, take a load off (okay that was all very cheesy considering the above photo). Point is try to schedule some "fun" this weekend if you're planning to work. If you're not maybe try something different? Whatever you're doing, stay stylish!

Image via

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Chrome, honey.

After reading this post on one of my favourite blogs, I remembered my September mission of wanting to get chrome (metallic) nail polish. Thus far, I have been unsuccessful. A friend of mine had bought it from Woolworths but I'm not sure how long ago this was. I do own somewhat of a metallic nail colour but it's silver and not very metallic-like as pictured above. I bought it from Boots when I was in London last year because I saw someone on the Underground tube who had it and it looked stunning. Although mine didn't seem to have the same effect, sadness. 

Anyway the mission has been rekindled and as soon as exams are over, I shall be on the prowl for this colour. I think it looks so effortless and refreshing from the normal nail polish colours! As always, stay stylish. 

Images via weheartit and Pintrest

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Yes this is a Sheldon Cooper appreciation post. Maybe it's because I have been watching too many episodes of The Big Bang Theory lately and some may even call me obsessed. Regardless, I find the show absolutely hilarious and Sheldon Cooper makes the show. He can be so naive and condescending all at once. (Pictures found on WeHeartIt)

Monday, 22 October 2012

Quote du Jour.

"Darling," you said. "We're a train wreck." "Sweetheart," I said. "Train wrecks always make the front page." 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Weekend in 6.

  1. Vida's vanilla latte
  2. This sweet Indian prayer food (roth)
  3. Salted food
  4. Youtube 
  5. SuitsThe Vampire Diaries & New Girl
  6. A new cute, cream dress which found a home in my wardrobe. 
Just six things which I loved from my weekend. Stay stylish!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Happy Weekend.

And we're back to Friday again, it couldn't have come any sooner. I do love the weekends, I really do. This weekend I can foresee my self hibernating and probably catching up on all that reading I keep telling myself I am going to do but I may just end up catching up on my series. Maybe even another Wakaberry run.. Whatever you're doing this weekend, have fun and stay stylish.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


So today would've been the sixth day I would be dying surviving without internet but thanks to my lovely mother it has been restored. I may sound overdramatic to some of you but please try and function without the internet. You can't print documents because the printer is connected wirelessly, you can't blog or check other blogs, you're unable to go on to Youtube and look at the latest videos posted by various vloggers (Caspar LeeJack Harries and Finn Harries who occasionally does guest appearances).
So what can you do without internet on one's laptop?

  • Listen to music
  • Play games
  • Type up documents
Also before the internet went haywire, I did download this really fun app called Flutter (as recommended from a friend) and I did play a lot with that. It controls your iTunes, QuickTime Player and all other movie and music playing programs using your webcam and hand signals. 

My laptop, sad to say, became very useless to me over this time besides being able to fool around with this app; don't you think it looks rather superhero-ish? To be a bit 'philosophical', you could ask yourself the question what do people do without the internet in general? What did they do BEFORE the internet? I found I watched a lot more TV, read a few more pages of my book than I would normally read. Okay, jokes I'm only on chapter 2 after a week of having it. I was possibly more sociable with my family and I was more productive with work. 
All those benefits aside, I'm tres contente that the internet is back so that sanity has returned in my life. Call me over-dramatic or whatever but it is tough especially when all your favourite shows have returned and you can't watch them online. Nevertheless, I'm back. Hope you all had a fab weekend and survive the rest of this slow week, oh and happy Hump Day! As always, stay stylish. 

Friday, 12 October 2012

Happy Weekend!

It's finally Friday! This week definitely dragged.. I feel like I need to sleep in the whole weekend. Alas, exams are near so I shall be studying. :( hope you have a happy weekend, stay stylish!

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The story of the leather jacket.

As mentioned in my previous post, I find the story of how I bought my leather jacket quite exciting. To save you the angst, I didn't find it in a thrift store or at a flea market neither was there a fight over it between me and another shopper. So if it's not any of those then the story is not looking that exciting you're probably thinking? Anyway, basically I got it for an absolute bargain! Stuttafords was having a special where you can by two items for R1000 and the jacket was marked around R3500! Woohoo.. Okay not that enthralling as I lead you to believe but exciting, nonetheless! And I've been wanting a leather jacket for so long now so it worked out perfectly.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Quote du Jour.

"Your dresses should be tight enough to show that you're a woman and loose enough to show that you're a lady" - Edith Head

Sunday, 7 October 2012

A little bit of Jo'burg.

These holidays I didn't even get around to doing anything on my "Bucket List" shock, horror, disgrace..I know. Oh wells, it was a short holiday anyway and there's always December. So what exactly did my 9 day break entail? Well nothing too exciting although I do have an enthralling tale of how I bought my leather jacket last Wednesday which I will save for another blog post. We arrived back in rainy Durban today after being up in Jo'burg for four days. Jo'burg was fun, the weather was trĂ©s beau which meant I had a chance to wear my summer dresses!! I love summer - the sun, the sandals, the sundresses.. just lovely. Our Jo'burg trip consisted of Sandton City, Monte Casino, visiting family and entertaining my three and six year old cousins. I watched a lot of Baby Looney tunes and Dora the Explorer (I even caught myself singing the Dora theme song...doo doo Dora!)  Sandton City, as always, was fab. I have a new found-love in the store Cotton On but sadly there is no store in Durban and I didn't even buy anything this time round! I also took to Instagram, still getting the hang of it though - you can follow me @sohinii.

Back to school tomorrow, this term shall be hectic so I'm not too sure how frequent I shall be with blogging but I'm sure procrastination shall kick in soon enough so the blog shan't suffer - the quote du jours will at least be posted. As always, stay stylish! 

Friday, 5 October 2012

Happy Weekend.

Yeaaah it's Friday. Woohoo, although being on holiday today technically has no significance to me because everyday this week felt like a Friday or rather a Saturday because let's just get real - Saturdays are better than Fridays. We've been up in Jo'burg since yesterday soaking up the last few days of holiday bliss, hopefully we'll get some shopping done and I can get a new nail polish colour which I desperately want. Hope you have a happy weekend, stay stylish!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Hump Day.

So I only recently found out the definition of Hump Day, shameful I know. Anyway today felt very middle of the week-ish, neither here nor there kinda thing. Don't get me wrong I'm loving the fact that we're on holiday and that the weather has been amazing of late. It's probably just the pessimist in me is already looking at the fact that the holidays are actually almost over and I haven't been nearly as organised and as on top of things as I wanted to be. Nevertheless, on to more happier things. If you look at today's date you would know it's October 3 and if you don't know what the significance of this is then you are not a Mean Girls fan. "On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was" and it's also wednesday and "on wednesdays we wear pink"! Today should honestly just be renamed Mean Girls Appreciation Day. Okay I'm not going to take credit for that, I saw that on twitter but nonetheless it's a very good idea.

Just some well-known Mean Girls quotes for you LOL at. Hope you had a hump day treat and have a good rest of your week and manage to make it to Friday unscathed. xoxo 

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