Wednesday, 31 July 2013

C'est une citation.

I came across this quote whilst reading a book based on real events called Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. I found it quite thought-provoking and thought to share it. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


A while back I found a DIY article on Rookie on how to make a tutu. It didn't look that complicated and I've been itching to do a DIY project for a while. So I decided to give it a bash (LOL, how English of me next thing you know I'll be starting posts with top of the morning to you). 

So here's a simplifed version of how you do it and me being the organised person that I am - I didn't take any "during"/"process" photos so your imagination is important here. But I did capture some photos of me prancing around it, selfies etc. Usual tutu behaviour. 

Stuff to make tutu:

  • roughly 9m of 140cm wide tulle, depending on the amount of poof you want in your tutu. I opted for a harder sort of tulle almost like net. 
  • a piece of fabric about 13cm wide and the length of your waist, this acts as "skirt".
  • piece of ribbon - a little longer than your waist. 
  • scissors
  • measuring tape
  • sewing pins
  • needle and thread
The method was simply laying out the fabric on a flat surface. Then cutting even strips of the fabric and then folding each strip of fabric in half and looping it and tying it around your ribbon. I then hand sewed a piece of white fabric underneath the tutu which acted as a skirt. Please do check out the full article up on Rookie for more detailed explanations and methods.
I hope this inspired some of you to release your creative side. Trust me, it isn't that hard - if I can do it, you can (me who can barely sew a button, don't tell my mom that). I haven't really had a chance to frolic in it yet, waiting on that perfect summer's day. I really did enjoy making my tutu and have definitely caught the DIY-bug so I will be trying out more DIY things as I come across them on Pintrest. Stay stylish, lovelies! 

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Sunday Songs

I've only done this post once before. I guess it's not often that I find a song that I madly enjoy and want to share it. This particular song is another french song called Je Veux by Zaz. It has quite a jazzy vibe to it. It's just really fun and makes you want to dance and sing a long. I put the french and english translation below as well so you can follow along. I hope it brightens up your Sunday, enjoy!
(please excuse the corresponding lyrics not matching up exactly, the OCD in me tried very hard to get them to align but alas it refused to budge)

Je Veux
I want
Donnez-moi une suite au Ritz, je n’en veux pas

Des bijoux de chez Chanel, je n’en veux pas

Donnez-moi une limousine, j’en ferais quoi?

Offrez-moi du personnel, j’en ferais quoi?

Un manoir à Neufchatel, ce n’est pas pour moi!

Offrez-moi la Tour Eiffel, j’en ferais quoi?
Je veux de l’amour, de la joie, de la bonne humeur

Ce n’est pas votre argent qui fera mon bonheur

Moi je veux crever la main sur le coeur

Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté

Oubliez donc tous vos clichés

Bienvenue dans ma réalité!
J’en ai marre de vos bonnes manières, c’est trop pour moi

Moi je mange avec les mains et je suis comme ça

Je parle fort et je suis franche, excusez-moi!

Finie l’hypocrisie, moi je me casse de là

J’en ai marre des langues de bois

Regardez-moi, de toute manière je vous  en veux pas

Et je suis comme ça!
Je veux de l’amour, de la joie, de la bonne humeur

Ce n’est pas votre argent qui fera mon bonheur

Moi je veux crever la main sur le Coeur

Allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté

Oubliez donc tous vos clichés

Bienvenue dans ma réalité!
Give me a suite at the Ritz, I don’t want that

Jewellery by Channel, I don’t want that

Give me a limo, what would I do with it?

Give me staff, what would I do with them?

A mansion in Neufchatel, it’s not for me!

Offer me the Eiffel tower, what would I do with it?

I want love, joy, good spirit

It’s not your money that will make me happy
 want to die with my hand on my heart

Let’s go together, discover my freedom

Therefore, forget all your prejudices 

Welcome to my reality!

I’m fed up with your good manners, it’s too much for me

I eat with my hands, it’s just who I am

I speak loud and I’m direct, excuse me

No more hypocrisy, I’m done with it

I’m fed up with double talk!

Look at me, I’m not even angry with you!

It’s just who I am!

I want love, joy, good spirit

It’s not your money that will make me happy

I want to die with my hand on my heart

Let’s go together, discover my freedom

Forget all your prejudice

Welcome to my reality!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

July Photo-a-day Challenge.

I found this Photo-a-day Challenge on Fat Mum Slim's blog and thought I'd give it a try. I'm not that regular on Instagram but I'm going to try to do it at least three times in the week. And I'll also post the pics on my blog. You can do it on pretty much any platform so go crazy and join in. 

Stay stylish! xo

Follow me on Instagram: @sohinii

It's me.

Yes it's me, no I have not forgotten about my little blog. I don't even have a very good explanation, life just happened. I watched a YouTube video yesterday which kinda sums up my bloggers block but I wasn't really avoiding my bloggie, school just took over. But I'm back and making a half year resolution to be more regular. In the meanwhile here's a picture of a zebra wearing a crown and the YouTube video by Ella Grace

Stay stylish y'all! 

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